The grass clippings left on the lawn will eventually decompose and recycle its nutrients back to the soil. But, it must be kept at minimum. By cutting the grass when it reaches around 3 to 31/2 inches tall, the volume of the grass clippings will be kept low.
As Mulch: Grass clippings on the lawn make the soil softer and help in the grass drought tolerance. During the decomposition stage, the clippings help shade the soil and keep the roots cooler and help reduce moisture loss just like any mulch that you put around your other plants.
As fertilizer: Don’t throw away the grass trimmings/clippings because they are valuable organic matters that are full of nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and will help minimize your expenses on grass fertilizer by around 30 percent or even equivalent to one year fertilizer application.
Other Uses of Grass Clippings: Used as mulch around trees , shrubs and flowers. It can also be mixed with leaves and fruit/ vegetable kitchen trimmings for composting.
Grass clippings should not comprise more than half of the volume in the pile to avoid offensive odor.
When to Collect Grass Clippings:

The grass clippings can clump or damage the lawn if the grass is too long, wet and if the grass has disease.
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